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Top Tips to follow at a Road Traffic Collision Scene

By 23rd November 2019 July 9th, 2024 News, Road Safety, Tips/ Advice
Basic First Aid at the Road Traffic Collision Scene

Road Traffic collisions are an everyday occurrence but would you know what to do if you were first to arrive at the scene? By following this guide you could save someone’s life.

Basic First Aid at the Road Traffic Collision Scene:

  • Call 999
  • DO NOT put yourself in danger
  • DO NOT move the casualties from their vehicles unless it is essential
  • DO NOT remove a motorcyclist’s helmet unless it is essential
  • DO NOT give casualties anything to eat or drink
  • DO try to make the warm and as comfortable as you can, but avoid unnecessary movement.
  • DO keep reassuring the casualty
  • Always remember that the casualty may be suffering from shock
  • If possible try not to leave the casualties alone or let them wander into the path of other traffic

Always carry a first aid kit in your vehicle. You can do a number of things to save a life, even if you have had no training.

Basic First Aid

Not Breathing

Remember the letters D R A B C

D- Danger – Check that you are not putting yourself in danger

R- Response – Try to get a response by asking questions and gently shaking their shoulders.

A – Airways – If they are unconscious check their airway is open and clear. To open the airway, place one hand on the forehand and gently tilt their head back, then lift the chin using 2 fingers only.

B – Breathing – Keeping the airway open, check to see if the breathing is normal. Look along their chest, and listen and feel for breath on your cheek for up to 10 seconds.

C – Compressions – If they are not breathing, start chest compressions immediately.

  • Place one hand on the centre of their chest. Place the heel of your other hand on top of the first and interlock your fingers, keeping your fingers off their ribs.
  • Lean directly over their chest and press down vertically about 5-6cm. Release the pressure, but don’t remove your hands.
  • Give compressions at a rate of 100-120 per minute until help arrives.


  • Check for anything that may be in the wound, such as glass or debris.
  • Apply firm pressure over the wound if nothing is embedded.
  • If the wound has something embedded, do not press on the object – build up padding at either side of it. Fasten a pad to the wound with a bandage or length of cloth. Use the cleanest material available.
  • If a limb is bleeding, but not broken raise it above the level of the heart to reduce the flow of blood. Any restriction of blood circulation for more than a short time could cause long term injuries.


  • Cool the burn by dousing it with clean , cold water or similar non-toxic liquid for at least 10 minutes
  • Do not try and remove anything sticking to the burn.

Here are 5 things you should never do after a road traffic collision.

If you’ve been in an accident that wasn’t your fault CRASH Services can take care of everything at no cost to you. Please speak to one of our specialists now from our claims team by clicking HERE.

We also offer Medical Assistance after an accident. We take care of everything at no cost to you.

Information provided by www.drivingtestsuccess.com


If you’ve been in an accident, CRASH Services can take care of everything at no cost to you. Please speak to one of our specialists from our claims team today. Or call us now on 028 9066 0244.

CRASH Services can arrange vehicle recoverycollision investigation, organise repairs, provide a replacement vehicle, liaise with insurance companies and offer legal and medical assistance.

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